Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

So much has happened this year! Got my first MAC! My son introduced me to Facebook and Twitter. My whole family was here for Christmas! My husband and I both still have our jobs! We got a kitten...see above. His name is Indy. No we don't like auto racing, we like Indiana Jones!

I have knit alot this past year as well. I didn't even realize how much I knit till I started to look back. Bonus, both my daughters asked to learn how to knit this year as well...

We moved to a new house in November. Check out this picture of our home in the last major snowstorm we had...
It looks like the deeps woods in Maine, but it's just Braintree, MA.

I have high hopes for the new year, despite the dire predictions for the economy and the dismal political decisions that we have made...

Happy New Year to all who read this and to all who don't. May the new year be full of love, light and happiness, peace and joy.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I noticed...

that when I ride the subway to work in the mornings and I take out my knitting people avoid sitting or standing near me until there is just no more room...I don't think it's me because that doesn't happen when I don't knit...

Any ideas?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

vacation time!

We are finally going to go on a short vacation next week. No idea where we are going or what we are doing, just going to pack the car with the camping gear and go! I can't wait.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Once again, time has gotten away from me...I'm not sure I'll ever get the hang of blogwriting. I love to read them, but can't seem to find the time or intersting things to say to put on my own...

On the knitting front, I have hooked my daugher, so to speak. She is busy making simple bags and enjoying it. Soon the socks will follow. As Stephanie says.."Resistance is futile."

I have four projects going and one to finish up with buttons. All are posted on my Ravelry account. I am socks1956.

On the home front, Hannah is still looking for a job, but she is now a register student at Bunker Hill Community College! My other daughter, Alex, is also attending an online university as well as holding down a full time job and raising her son single handedly. My son Robert is considering Americorps very seriously as a way to help him figure out what he wants out of life.

Life is pretty good.

Friday, May 2, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted here. Here is a brief synopsis of life since March.

1. Hannah and Jake are back living with us. This is both good, love Jake so much, and bad, four people in a two bedroom apt is a little tight.

2. Hannah is having to go through a custody battle in her divorce. Note: Jakob will leave here over my dead body!

3. Saw the Yarn Harlot last weekend at WEBS! I went with my knitting friend, Sara, and we had a blast. I bought way too much at WEBS, but oh well, it's only money. Right?

4. Knitting continues apace. I have finished many socks and two sweaters. Pictures will go up on my flickr and ravelry spaces very soon.

5. Trying to keep up with my reading as well. Just finished, Looking for Alaska by John Green. Very good, it was recommeded to me by my son. Also just finished Into the Wild by John Krakauer. Very sad story. Need to see the movie.

6. Anxiously awaiting the new Indiana Jones moves! Yeah!

7. Can't wait for the lilacs to bloom!

Well I guess that's all for now.....

Friday, March 7, 2008


I have been very lax (so what else is new) about blogging. It seems I just can't get the knack of writing about nothing (which is what my life pretty much is...nothing). Life continues on...shit happens or doesn't. Some days are good, some are bad, some are just there.

Knitting is going along nicely. I'm working on a pair of socks, a scarf and a sweater. Maybe I'll someday get the knack of posting pictures? What do you think?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year...

Well, what do you know, the new year came! It's not like it's a surprise is it? It comes every year, just like clockwork. You go along and bang, December 31st arrives and so does the New Year! I think it's great really. Really. It's just that it comes so fast...faster and faster every single year. Pretty soon I'm going to turn around and find that yesterday was Jan. 1 and today is Dec. 31.

I hear you laughing at me. Just you wait, your time will come.