Friday, May 2, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted here. Here is a brief synopsis of life since March.

1. Hannah and Jake are back living with us. This is both good, love Jake so much, and bad, four people in a two bedroom apt is a little tight.

2. Hannah is having to go through a custody battle in her divorce. Note: Jakob will leave here over my dead body!

3. Saw the Yarn Harlot last weekend at WEBS! I went with my knitting friend, Sara, and we had a blast. I bought way too much at WEBS, but oh well, it's only money. Right?

4. Knitting continues apace. I have finished many socks and two sweaters. Pictures will go up on my flickr and ravelry spaces very soon.

5. Trying to keep up with my reading as well. Just finished, Looking for Alaska by John Green. Very good, it was recommeded to me by my son. Also just finished Into the Wild by John Krakauer. Very sad story. Need to see the movie.

6. Anxiously awaiting the new Indiana Jones moves! Yeah!

7. Can't wait for the lilacs to bloom!

Well I guess that's all for now.....