Monday, August 27, 2007

It never ends....

Life in my family is not very good right now. Two daughters who can't seem to get along at all. They live together although I guess not for very long. They are both single moms so I thought the living together thing would be good for them. Helpful, a way to share the burden. I guess, not so much. I just don't understand.

On the knitting front I have two projects on the needles. My second pair of socks and an EZ sweater in the round. I also have a crochet blanket going for my grandson. Trouble is I keep wanting to start new things. There is a list a mile long of projects I want to do. I find myself thinking up new ways to do something. Like, I really like that sweater but I would change this or that, you know. Like I actually could. I'm still just a novice really, I just tend to get ahead of myself.

The worst of it is that I want to buy yarn. Any yarn. All yarn. It calls to me...what's a woman to do?

Monday, August 13, 2007

I am a Knitter, not a knitter

I have become obsessed with knitting. I have even stopped reading books, unless of course they have something to do with knitting. I have been knitting off and on since I was a child, crochet as well. But something has clicked in me in my late stage in life and I love it. The act of turning some string into a useful object is amazing to me. I love doing hats and socks and am going to try a yoked sweater with four different colors next. Wish me luck on that one!

So now, with knitting, guitar, and reading I really have no time for superficial and inane things like laundry, dishes and bathroom cleaning. Let's see how long it takes my husband to notice!

Knit on!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Personal Note

URL: Personal Note
A man I look up to and admire just recently lost his mother who was 90 years old. I am deeply saddened by this for many reasons. Sad for him that he no longer has his mother in his life. Sad still for myself who lost my mom 30 years ago. I am fifty now and still it hurts and still I miss her every day. Death is a part of life and I am not afraid to come to my time, however, my heart hurts even now for the people I will leave behind.

Blessings this day on all who lost a parent.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Never Ever did I think...

That I would put down a book to pick up my knitting! It has finally happened. I prefer to knit than to read! This is not possible, no way, no how! I would never prefer anything to reading, but this weekend I found myself unable to concentrate on reading a book that I have looked forward to. I wanted to knit. What is happening to me?

The lure of the yarn...I blame her, Stephanie, the Yarn Harlot.