Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm sure no one is listening...

But, I talk anyway. Sorry for the brief pause, we (I) had a little medical excitement last week. Well, I guess excitement is not really the right word, perhaps terror would be better. I went in for a routine colonoscopy (that's what happens when you turn 50). All was well, colon clean, I went home to recover. Later that afternoon I get a call from the doctor's office to tell me when my CT Scan was scheduled? I, of course, said "what CT Scan?" The nurse said, "the one the doctor ordered." I was dumbfounded. I said to have the doctor call me as soon as possible. He did and told me he "felt" a "hard mass" near my cervix. So I waited through 5 terror filled days and finally got the results late on Friday, nothing there. All was well. Good news, except for those 5 terror filled days! I hate doctors.


Friday, July 20, 2007


OK, I admit it...I am a Harry Potter fan...atic! Today is the day, tonight at midnight I get my hands on my long awaited book 7 in the Harry Potter Universe. I can hardly wait. I will be on an Internet, TV, radio boycott until I am done reading. See you on Sunday or maybe late Saturday.

Happy Harry Reading!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Today is my beloved's 53rd Birthday. He is in extreme denial and says he is only 22! I said that was pretty strange that a 22 year old has a daughter who is 26? His response, she's adopted.

That's ok though, I want him to remain young at heart. Happy birthday Walt, I love you very much.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Happy 21st Birthday!

My baby, Alex, is 21 years old today. She is the mother of a one year old little boy named Dillon. I can hardly believe that she is 21. The time goes by so very fast. That's what I keep telling her about Dilly Bar. Before she knows it he will be grown and have children of his own. Here is a picture of Alex and Dillon.

Happy Birthday my baby. I love you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Strike That, Reverse It

One of my favorite all time movies is Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder. I have probably seen it at least a hundred times over the years. One of my favorite lines is: So little to do and so much time. Strike that, reverse it.

That so applies to my life right now. All of a sudden it seems that I have so many things to do. Mostly hobbies that I am interested in. Knitting, playing the guitar, singing, cooking and sitting at the beach. Such a rough life, I know. But I do also have to work and worry about my kids and grandkids, so it's not all a bowl of cherries.

But for today, life is good and I am happy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

It's always something...

Well it looks like we finally know what is going on with my daughter's health. One more round of tests should give us a firm diagnosis of SLE (Lupus). Then they can start figuring out how far it has gone. It is looking more and more like she may have had it for at least 10 years.

Lupus is very hard to detect. There is no one specific test that says you have Lupus. There are many things that can go wrong and it is the combination of things that determines if it is Lupus.

I always say its easier to fight the enemy you know than to fight an enemy you don't know.


Monday, July 2, 2007

My First Sock...

Well, here it is. My first attempt at knitting a sock. I was very intimidated to try this but the Yarn Harlot says that it is easy, so I tried. Not so bad. It actually isn't very complicated, it just looks like it. I'm sure I'll need at least 10 or 12 pair to get the hang of it but still, I am very proud of my first effort. I will be wearing these to bed in the winter for sure.